Policy documents provide direction to school activities. 

OUR VISION: Our vision is to provide early childhood education that is focused upon the holistic development of the young child in partnership with families and the community, and that inspires a lifelong passion for learning.

MISSION STATEMENT: In line with our motto “WE LEARN THROUGH PLAY” we aim to consider the best interests of the child, to develop confidence, self-discovery, independence and creativity, in a flexible, play based environment that is safe and nurtures tolerance, respect and happiness and considers the rights of the child as paramount to their healthy development.

OUR AIM: We are dedicated to fostering the holistic development of each child at their own pace—physically, emotionally, linguistically, cognitively, and socially—within a happy and relaxed environment. Our focus is on preparing children for formal learning, nurturing self-discipline, and promoting independent conflict resolution. We value diversity, respect, and tolerance, ensuring a safe, play-oriented space that is well-maintained and welcoming. We believe in open communication within our school community and encourage active family involvement.Our goal is to support parents in their journey and maintain excellence through responsible governance, fiscal management, and professional teaching standards.

 ADMISSIONS: Roosevelt Park Pre-Primary School follows an inclusive admissions policy, welcoming children to the playgroup from age two and to the main school from ages three to six. All children must be fully potty trained before admission. Admission is contingent on acceptance of our fee policy and submission of all required documents. We maintain an updated admissions register and aim to admit at least one child per year on an assisted fee basis. If a child is to be withdrawn, parents must provide a full term’s written notice, submitted by the first day of the term.

 LANGUAGE : While English is the primary language of instruction, Roosevelt Park Pre-Primary School promotes awareness of cultural and linguistic diversity. We acknowledge and respect other official languages and expose children to them through greetings, songs, and rhymes.

 RELIGION, INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY: Our school embraces a Christian ethos. At the same time, we are deeply committed to encompassing all cultures and religions. We actively encourage families to share their own celebrations and festivals with our school community to educate and foster understanding and acceptance of different beliefs. No child is discriminated against based on religion. We celebrate a Heritage Day where families share their diverse cultures, continuing our policy of inclusivity and appreciation for all traditions. 

HOURS OF OPERATION: School hours are from 7:45 AM to 12:30 PM, with access to the premises permitted from 7:30 AM.

AFTERCARE: Aftercare is available from 12:45 PM to 2:00 PM for children enrolled at the school. It is not available for toddlers in nappies.


    • All children’s needs are given careful consideration, with their health and safety as a top priority during school hours. Parents must provide a complete medical history, medical aid details, and emergency contacts, and inform the school of any updates. A safe school is a healthy school.

    • Basic First Aid and CPR training required for all staff, with refresher courses as needed.

PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: Children’s physical development is monitored through biannual weight and height checks, annual posture assessments, vision screenings and hearing tests. Concerns are communicated to parents both verbally and in writing, and referrals to specialists made as needed. Collaboration among specialists, teachers, and parents ensures that specific developmental needs are addressed.

ILLNESS: To prevent the spread of infections, children with diarrhea, rashes, vomiting, or fever should stay home for at least 24 hours. Children must remain home for 48 hours after starting antibiotics. Parents must inform the school of any contagious illnesses so other families can monitor symptoms. Children exhibiting symptoms while at school will be isolated until they are picked up. Medication can only be given with written parental permission, and any allergies or food intolerances must be communicated at enrolment. Children should be taught proper hygiene practices, such as blowing their noses and covering coughs and sneezes. Nits, lice, ringworm, and impetigo require treatment and exclusion from school until cleared.

INCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES: Accidents may occur at school. Any incidents, excluding minor injuries, are recorded in an incident. Parents are notified of significant incidents and may be advised to collect their child. Safety measures are reviewed regularly. Emergency contact numbers are displayed in accessible areas throughout the school.


    • Store all medication, including emergency items like asthma pumps and Epipens, out of children’s reach in the office.

    • Obtain signed authorization from a parent/guardian to administer.

HEALTHY EATING: We prioritize establishing healthy eating habits in early childhood by providing a mid-morning snack in a safe, supportive environment that promotes healthy behaviours.

    • Growth, developmental needs, and any cultural, religious, or health requirements are accommodated.

    • Children are encouraged to explore diverse foods from all groups through snacks and baking activities.

    • Aftercare lunches should not include sweet treats.

    • Healthy vs. unhealthy foods are discussed informally with children.

    • This school is NUT FREE.

    • Parents should provide similar substitutes (e.g., gluten-free bread) if specific dietary needs aren’t met by our menu.


To ensure safety, the following measures are in place:

    • The front gate is permanently locked and controlled remotely from inside the school.

    • Children are not allowed to access the remote opener or bell.

    • The school is radio-linked to a 24-hour armed response company.

    • Alarm and panic buttons are tested by the administrator each term.

    • Unknown persons are denied entry until their purpose is confirmed.

    • The school operates cash-free to minimize risk.

    • The school must be informed of any changes in child collection arrangements.

    • Aftercare attendees must be signed out upon collection.

    • External vendors (e.g., ice cream sellers) are not supported.

    • Parents are encouraged to stay vigilant and report suspicious activity immediately.


Supervision Guidelines

    • Teachers act in loco parentis, responsible for children’s safety.

    • Garden must always be supervised; outdoor play requires at least one adult present.

    • Teachers follow Group Daily Routines for supervision schedules.

    • If a supervising adult needs to leave, another teacher or staff member must take over.

    • Indoor activities and tools/equipment use require close supervision.

    • Toilet and handwash routines are to be supervised periodically to establish good habits.


    • All staff are checked against the National Child Protection Register.

Sexual exploratory play in preschoolers (ages 3-6) is normal, often driven by curiosity rather than sexual motivation. It is usually brief, cooperative, and varies from typical to problematic behaviour.

Key Points to Understand:

    • Sexual development starts in infancy; young children are naturally curious about bodies.

    • Culture, media, and peers shape children’s knowledge and behaviour.

    • Brief, cooperative sex play is typical; prolonged or stress-inducing behaviour may be problematic.

    • Signs of distress (e.g., nightmares, anxiety, bedwetting) suggest behaviour is concerning.

Guidelines for Managing Sexual Play:

    1. Assess calmly; use as an opportunity to discuss body safety.

    1. Redirect play and notify staff to monitor any reoccurrences.

    1. If necessary, inform parents of all involved children with confidentiality.

    1. Suggest play therapy if needed and request updates on progress.

    1. Conduct follow-ups after a week and assess developments over two to three months.

    1. Avoid showing negative emotions; reinforce safety, boundaries, and consent discussions regularly.

Handling Suspected Abuse: Educators must be vigilant, noting any signs of abuse or disclosures made by children. Reporting suspected abuse is a statutory responsibility under the Children’s Act NO. 38 of 2005. Failure to report is a criminal offense; use FORM 22 for filing reports.


Communication Guidelines:

    • WhatsApp Groups: Obtain signed parental consent to include them in WhatsApp groups. A whole school group will be created for official communication, with only staff as admins. Individual group chats will be set up for each class, used strictly for school-related matters.

    • Weekly Bulletin: A password-protected bulletin with updates will be uploaded weekly to the school’s website: www.rooseveltpreprimary.co.za. and shared on WhatsApp to the whole parent group

    • Photo Sharing: Teachers can share photos of children with parents via WhatsApp, but social media (like Facebook) posts cannot show full faces or names without parental consent.

Concerns and Complaints Protocol: The school is committed to transparency and prioritizes the safety and well-being of children. Constructive feedback is welcomed and will be addressed promptly.

Types of Complaints:

    • Dissatisfaction with school services or facilities

    • Concerns about behaviour by staff, pupils, or directors

Complaint Procedure:

    1. Informal Resolution: Initially address concerns with a teacher or the principal through conversation or scheduled meetings.

    1. Formal Complaint: If unresolved, submit a written complaint to the principal.

    1. Escalation: If still unsatisfied, address a formal complaint to the chairman of the school committee in writing.

    1. Investigation Meeting: A meeting will be scheduled with all parties to investigate and seek a fair resolution.

    1. Mediation: If an agreement cannot be reached, a mediator may be employed.

    1. Documentation: A written record of formal complaints will be maintained.

The school commits to understanding and thoroughly investigating all concerns to reach a satisfactory agreement for all parties involved.

PARENT/SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP: The African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” highlights the collective responsibility of the community, including parents and schools, in educating children. Active parental involvement is crucial for enhancing learning outcomes, and the school aims to support this partnership while also promoting parents’ personal growth.

DISCIPLINE: Philosophy of Discipline: Discipline at RPPPS is viewed as a vital aspect of child development, aiming to guide and teach children essential values for becoming responsible, safe, kind, respectful, and productive adults. The approach emphasizes positive and encouraging discipline, focusing on instilling self-motivation, self-control, problem-solving skills, independence, and emotional stability.

Key Principles:

    • Clear Boundaries: Establishing realistic and age-appropriate boundaries helps children feel secure and thrive in their environment. A predictable setting fosters happiness and reduces anxiety.

    • Positive Tone: The discipline approach is constructive and supportive, distinguishing between consequences and punishments.

Discipline Procedures:

    1. Clear Expectations: Expectations and limits are clearly communicated to children, ensuring they are easily understood.

    1. Consistency: Discipline procedures are applied consistently to create a predictable environment.

    1. Consequences: Establish clear and predictable consequences for rule violations, developed in consultation with the children when appropriate.

    1. Addressing Inappropriate Behaviour: Inappropriate behaviour will be addressed promptly, with explanations provided to help children understand their actions.

    1. Encouraging Communication: Children are encouraged to use their words to resolve differences and communicate when they feel others are interfering.

    1. Reinforcement of Good Behaviour: Positive behaviours are acknowledged and reinforced to encourage continued good conduct.

    1. Intervention Techniques:

    1. Verbal Interventions: Teachers may use verbal redirection, distraction, or temporary removal from a situation to manage behaviour.

    1. Supervised Time-Out: A structured time-out is implemented, lasting 1 minute for each year of the child’s age, during which the reason for the time-out is explained before reintroducing the child to the group.

    1. Consultation with Parents: If a child’s behaviour is continuously disruptive or harmful to others, parents will be consulted to discuss the situation and collaborate on potential solutions.

CHILDREN’S RECORDS: We are in compliance with the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI), the following policies and procedures govern the handling and storage of children’s records. document for children in the toddler group.


Budget and Financial Management

    • The finance committee prepares an annual budget with the principal and chair, based on a break-even approach, with monthly monitoring. Proposed fees need management approval. The fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31.

Banking & Transactions

    • The school operates a current and call account, using online business banking for all transactions. Two authorized signatories must approve transactions uploaded by the secretary.

Cash Handling

    • Cash handling is discouraged. Parents are reminded not to pay school fees in cash, and minimal cash should be kept on the premises. The school secretary/administrator oversees safe storage for any necessary cash.


    • Fees are based on student numbers and reviewed annually.

    • Payments are due in advance from January to November, with acceptable payment methods including electronic transfer, debit order, cheque, or cash deposit at First National Bank.

    • Cash payments at the school are not accepted.

    • Non-payment can lead to legal action or termination of enrolment after notification and failure to settle fees.


    • Refer to the Memorandum of Incorporation lodged with CIPC

    • We encourage and support parents to play an active part in the governance and management of the setting.